How do I shop the Online Print Catalog?

  • Browse the table of contents, click on a product page number to view
    the product or click on the "next"or "previous" buttons to navigate
    page-by-page or use the "Select Page" drop-down menu to go the
    exact page you want.

  • Once you are on a product page simply click on any item to order.

How will my order be processed?

Once an order has been placed it is forwarded to our sales department for
processing. A customer service representative will then contact you to
verify shipping costs and coordinate delivery.

How do you calculate shipping charges?

Refer to the shipping charge map


What type of security do we provide for online transactions?

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to protect the security of
your online order information. When you place an order online and provide your
credit card number, SSL encrypts all personal information including your
card number, name and address. With this encryption, we only have the ability
to decode your information.

What is the best way to contact Truck Shop if I need help?

Please email catalogs@truckandcarshop.com if you have any problems or questions.