56-21515	56 Oil pressure sender wire 48-21530	48-50 Temp sender wire 15 53-21512	53-54 Oil pressure sender wire extension wire 56-21522	56 Overdrive wiring harness 53-21521	53 Overdrive wiring harness 52-21520	52-54 Overdrive wiring harness 56-21523	56 Overdrive wiring harness with molded ends 55-21514	55 Oil pressure sender wire extension wire 48-21531	48-53 Temp sender wire 12 55-21513	55 Oil pressure sender wire 48-21510	48-50 Oil pressure sender wire 59-21476	59 Horn contact wire 52-21472	52 Horn contact wire 48-21471	48-55 Horn contact wire 48-21470	48-51 Horn contact wire 57-21459 57-59 Heater control lamp wire w/sockets60-21459 60-64 Heater switch to blower resistor56-21472 56-58 Horn contact wire w/rivet & washer56-21457 56 Heater wiring to ignition switch w/fuse51-21451 51 Heater control lamp wire w/sockets48-21510	48-50 Oil pressure sender wire55-21513	55 Oil pressure sender wire48-21531	48-53 Temp sender wire 1255-21514	55 Oil pressure sender wire extension wire56-21523	56 Overdrive wiring harness with molded ends52-21520	52-54 Overdrive wiring harness53-21521	53 Overdrive wiring harness56-21522	56 Overdrive wiring harness53-21512	53-54 Oil pressure sender wire extension wire48-21530	48-50 Temp sender wire 1556-21515	56 Oil pressure sender wire55-21502	55 Neutral safety switch wire54-21501	54 Neutral safety switch wire52-21500	52-53 Neutral safety switch wire48-21490	48-50 Horn relay wire53-21492	53-54 Horn relay wire51-21491	51-52 Horn relay wire51-21480	51-52 Horn to horn wire56-21482	56 Horn to horn wire55-21494	55 Horn relay wire PVC wire55-21493	55 Horn relay wire braided wire48-21470	48-51 Horn contact wire59-21476	59 Horn contact wire52-21472	52 Horn contact wire48-21471	48-55 Horn contact wire55-21454	55 Heater wiring heater switch to ignition switch55-21455	55 Heater wiring heater switch to heater motor56-21456	56 Heater wiring heater switch to heater motor57-21458	57-59 Heater wiring heater switch to heater motor57-21457	57-59 Heater wiring heater switch to ignition switch51-21452	51-52 Heater wiring to ignition switch 3051-21453	51-52 Heater wiring to ignition switch 9.548-21450	48-50 Heater wiring to ignition switch48-21451	48-50 Heater wiring to blower motor 48-21452 48-50 Heater wire to ignition switch w/fuse